Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jesus Takes Top Spot

If ever there were a question about the spiritual impact DLES has on its students, the answer was loud and clear at Big Chapel last Thursday. After a spirit-filled song service led by one of our fourth grade teachers Mr. Adams, Mr. Chisam followed with a discussion about the school-wide survey conducted to find out our students' top ten things for which they are most thankful. The survey choices were compiled by our own third grade, with a write-in option, and distributed to representatives of each grade, first through fourth. The children anxiously awaited the answers as each envelope was opened and read, and with every "drum roll, please..." the excitement grew.

The Top Ten Reasons to Be Thankful results:

1. Jesus Dying on the Cross
2. God Creating Us
3. Parents
4. Bible
5. Grandparents
6. Brothers and Sisters
7. Church
8. Teachers
9. Christian School
10. Friends

Go ahead... dry the tears and take a big breath of joy. I know many of us who witnessed it did. To know that this was entirely student-driven, and to watch hundreds of hands go up in celebration for such meaningful reasons... well, it is simply a testimony to the presence of God in this place and the hearts of your children and their peers.

So, so thankful ~

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