Sunday, August 23, 2009

We've Only Just Begun

Don't you remember your first days of school, especially having experienced the unusually low temps we've had this weekend? The chill in the air certainly brings back pictures of my first grade teacher's big, wooden, apple earrings and the smell of Elmer's glue, not to mention the cafeteria's version of "grilled cheese and chili." It's such a terrific time of year, full of excitement and anticipation for what's to come.

Our school got off to a roaring start last Monday! By the week's end, the entire group - faculty, staff, and students - was working like a well-oiled machine with smiles everywhere you turned. "Meet the Teacher Night" was a HUGE success at standing-room-only. Our university president, Dr. Lowry, shared some wonderful news about the tremendous growth and success Lipscomb University has experienced and promised his continued commitment to helping make our campus school better and better. He was able to spend a good amount of time visiting classrooms and listening to the question-and-answer sessions teachers provided their students' families. There was such energy in the air, two calls over the intercom had to be made to encourage visitors to head home... what a wonderful problem to have!

We've only just begun, and we still have some spots available in a couple of grades. Spread the word about the remarkable school we have. It's guaranteed to change lives!

Shine bright,


  1. So glad to see a DL blog! I've already added it to my blog roll.

    Sandra Taylor

  2. Thanks, Sandra! It's encouraging to see we have some readers and participants. Keep it coming!
