Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Hula Hoop and Song

Hasn't someone out there had a great-aunt who would never miss a chance to grab your cheeks and squeal how cute you are? How about the stranger in the grocery aisle patting your belly asking the baby's due date? Personal space. Many people get it, and so many others do not.

The kindergarten teachers decided to tackle this concept with their classes early on, hoping to help them discover one another's personal space and how to stay safe by respecting it. We have a terrific group of K-5s, but for any parent of one - including myself - we all know what an issue this can be at times.

I was excited to meet with this crowd first thing this morning. We discussed hands and feet, elbows and even teeth (suggested by a participant in the front row), reminding ourselves that if they're on our body, they're ours; we keep them to ourselves. A hula hoop provided a great visual of the space "bubble" we each require. The children were cute as could be standing and rounding their arms in front of them, "floating" and practicing to stay in their own space as they moved about to a bubble song. I knew the concept had resonated when I asked for some ideas on how to deal with others getting in our space. One little boy eagerly raised his hand and exclaimed, "You could say, 'Hey! You're poppin' my bubble!'" I just love my job.

Later on this afternoon, I happened to think of a simple song to help your young ones remember what we talked about today. To the tune of Frere Jacques (Are You Sleeping), sing these words with your child whenever you can. Oh, and maybe - just maybe - you might save someone's cheeks, and mommy dignity, in years to come.

I am safe, I am safe (Are you sleeping, are you sleeping)
Yes, I am, Yes, I am (Brother John, Brother John)
I can keep my hands and body to myself (Morning bells are ringing, Morning bells are ringing)
Yes, I can, Yes, I can (Ding, ding, dong, Ding, ding, dong)

Shine bright,

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