Thursday, February 2, 2012

"No Mustang Runs Alone" Kicks Off!

It is my hope that our spectacular kick-off for our anti-bullying program “No Mustang Runs Alone” will encourage open dialogue in the classroom, open discussions at home, and open conversations among children.  We all know what it feels like to be intimidated, called names, and in general, made to feel “less than.”  We want our students to know that they are beloved and that they belong. Hopefully, a few of us will realize that we have been teetering very close to the definition of the word “bully” I sent out last week.  That awareness is what we’re looking for…before it becomes bigger and more intense.

Our children have soft hearts. One mom wrote me this morning to say that her kindergartner spotted some bullying in their neighborhood, one child picking on two others.  He said, “That is bullying. He doesn’t need to act that way to them and we need to tell him not to do it anymore.”  I hope all of our students begin to see how their words and actions are perceived.  Our goal is not to create a culture where everyone is pointing out bullying, but rather that  children and adults examine themselves to question their own motives. We might be surprised how we are perceived by others. 

Along the way, I’m sure we will also identify some real bullying that will be addressed. From these conversations, I also hope we give skills to some children who have silently joined a crowd of spectators, not knowing how to defend and tell. Thank you for the comments you have sent us; pray God’s guidance as we continue to encourage our students to be “Christ-like in attitude and behavior.”
Sharon Farmer, DLES Principal

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